academic work

tree of life. painting. fall 2010.

pinecone abstraction. ink. drawing I. 2010.

jimi. ink. drawing I. 2010.

hand. wooden structure covered in chicken wire, woven newspaper, papier-mache. 7ft 8in. sculpture. 2010.

push-pin for giants. plaster. 12in. sculpture. 2010.

fish(bowl). clay. 13in. sculpture. 2010.

hand. clay. 13in. sculpture. 2010.

dragon. aluminum. spring 2010.

life-size jimi hendrix. wire. 5ft 6in. sculpture. 2010.

underwater driving. oil. drawing and painting. 2008.

transformations. ink. drawing and painting. 2007.

self-portrait. charcoal. drawing and painting. 2007.

still life. pencil. intro to art. 2005.